Friday, September 11, 2009

Tonight's gonna be a good night

Finally, the stone of my heart lightened a tiny little bit, since I've got to see where my PSM 1's finishing line.

At the same time, only i realize how BIG my PSM will be. Although that excites me, but I've fell back into reality in a flashing moment. Tonight's gonna be a good good night...

To log the progress of my PSM1 in this blog, I'm gonna do it sincerely, since no one will fall into my trick coz even my computer also know how lazy I am on doing the PSM before this. xD

Let's starts from the day I attend the group meeting and saw Shiek's presentation, also that day I start to pass up my proposal.

20th Aug (Thurs): Attend Group meeting, task given to write a proper proposal following the format. (Coz the day before I actually pass up the hand-written version =P)

23rd Aug (Sun): Was super tired after working, done with the PSM proposal.

24th Aug (Mon): Slipped the proposal into my SV's room. Keep searching for journals and articles which describing about Fingerprint Generated Digital Signature, or any biometric-based approach.

26th Aug (Wed): Received BUNCH of journals from my SV. Feeling great! coz I dont need to search motivelessly on frustrating A-Z listing anymore !! Then everyday starts digesting those hard-to-understand diagrams, figures, terms, and even Math equation!!!

1st Sept (Tue): Welcome to September! Feeling relax coz there ain't any due date or tasks given besides reading those journals. But I was terribly wrong until 10th of September.

10 Sept (Thur): A true RARE wall-to-wall post from Chez (this usually doesn't happen coz i'm not girl) saying....

"dude, how's ur fyp? for ur info, u haven update ur blog for ages and this make ur SV worry.. Plus, most of us hand up the draft except u.. dateline will be on tuesday.. u better take note!! it's serious.."

this strucks me, and another reply he made...

"YES!!! chapter 1 to 5, including content page, appendix and gantt chart!! u're shit if u haven really started.. BIND the report!"

I believe was coincedence, the next day is 9-11... I spent my 9-11 midnight racing from Chapter 1-5 dengan kerasnya. Coz if I dont come out with something and meet my beloved SV on Friday, I'm going to miss another weekend and getting closer with due date without direction!!

Today, 11th Sept (Fri): Successfully defeated the angel-of-sneeze, finished the d-r-a-f-t report and meet up with my SV. Things goes well, except she's keep putting sandbags on my back. Training my will power's muscles. And the last instruction was
"Can you hand in this by Tuesday?" "Sure, (T_T) thanks miss..."

I've gotta feeling... woo hoo.. that tonight's gonna be a good night.. that tonight's gonna be a good good night~~ (I gotta feeling, Black Eyed Peas, 2009)